Become a sponsor
Become a sponsor
The club is financed exclusively by membership fees and sponsors, the Committee being voluntary. Tennis lessons for children are our priority investment, the club does not make money on lessons for children. We are looking for partners to carry out projects, such as:
Tennis school
Purchase of tennis outfits with the club emblem, balls, blocks, nets, ball baskets, children’s rackets. Contribution to the costs of a tennis camp for children, SwissTennis affiliation fees, etc.
May and September tournaments
Prizes for the winners, gift vouchers, tickets for an event, outfits with the Club emblem, podium for presenting trophies etc.
Court maintenance
Contribution to the maintenance costs of the outdoor courts: sanding, painting, replacement of nets, planning for the renovation of the courts in 2 years, etc.
Participation in the purchase of outfits, balls, running costs, etc.
Examples of sponsorship packages
- Two banners (dimensions 1m x 2m) on the outdoor courts during the April-October season – this will give you great visibility as there is the primary school next door
- Name of one tournament per year (our tournaments are official swisstennis / kidstennis)
- Logo on the website
- Logo on official club communications
- Invitation to award prizes to tournament winners + photos of the podium
- CHF 1,500 per year
- One banner (dimensions 1m x 2m) on the outdoor courts during the April-October season – this will give you great visibility as there is the primary school next door
- ame of one tournament per year
- Logo on the website
- Logo on official club communications
- Name of a tournament per year (our tournaments are official swisstennis / kidstennis)
- CHF 1,000 per year
- A banner on the training wall
- Logo on the website
- Logo on official Club communications
- CHF 500 per year
We are at your disposal for custom offers.